International Youth Forum
2025, February 28
Supporting universities of Rosatom

National research Nuclear university MEPHI (Moscow engineering physics institute)
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI was founded in 1942 to train highly qualified personnel for the nuclear industry. A lot of prominent scientists, including six Nobel prize winners, played a significant role in university development. Today, MEPhI has 16 branches, including two divisions abroad (Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan). The total number of students is more than 20 000, and 1 500 of them are foreign citizens from 80 countries. In addition to nuclear areas, MEPhI teaches information and quantum technologies, electronics, plasma and laser technologies, medicine, as well as economics, business informatics, and international relations. In total, MEPhI offers more than 60 educational directions in Russian and English languages. University graduates are in demand in high-tech companies and research centers all over the world.

Address: 115409, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
Tel.: +7 495 788-56-99; +7 499 324-77-77
Social networks: You tube
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
Scientific and educational centre “NEVOD”. The centre includes the unique scientific facility «Experimental complex NEVOD» to study cosmic rays.
  • Cherenkov water detector (CWD) of 2000 m3 volume with a spatial lattice of the quasi-spherical modules (QSM);
  • Coordinate-tracking detector DÉCOR with the total area 70 m2 and a high spatial and angular resolution for the detection of multi-particle events at large zenith angles;
  • Wide-aperture muon hodoscope URAGAN with the total setup area 46 m2 for real-time detection and analysis of variations of muon fluxes from any direction limited by the detector acceptance in the range of zenith angles from 0 to 80 degrees;
  • URAN facility with a total area of 103 m2 for detection of atmospheric neutrons.
Laboratory for experimental nuclear physics:
  • Development of detectors for nuclear power plant monitoring by neutrino radiation
  • Research on neutrino fundamental properties
  • Development of novel detectors in high energy physics
  • Dark matter search
Laboratory of Heat Hydraulics and Boiling Physics:
  • Experimental investigation of thermo-hydraulic processes
  • Investigation of nanofluid boiling as applied to solar energy
  • Study of unsteady processes of boiling in cryogenic liquids
Educational and scientific laboratory for reactor physics, control and safe operation of NPP with VVER:
  • Systems for monitoring, diagnostics, control and protection of reactor facilities
  • Training systems and simulators for nuclear power plants and other energy enterprises
  • Automated process control systems (APCS) of nuclear power plants and industrial nuclear facilities
Department of Material Science:
  • Development of new materials for extreme operating conditions
  • Improvement of materials resistance to external environmental factors
  • Improvement of methods for studying the structural-phase state of materials
  • Research on material properties.
Training centers in Volgodonsk, Novovoronezh and Obninsk.
Academic and research staff - 663 pers., 16 % are international staff
Staff Professional development and upskilling in nuclear area
All academic and research staff take professional development programs every year, including training at Nuclear Power Plants and other nuclear facilities.
Available academic programs
Information for Students
There are several ways to pay the tuition fees: the Russian governmental scholarships and tuition – paying basis. The detailed information is available at the website:
Network Academic Programs with international partner universities
  • Ain-Shams University (Egypt) - Mechanical Power Engineering , BS
  • Egyptian Russian University -   Nuclear Power station engineering, BS 
  • University Mayor de San Andres (Bolivia)-  Nuclear technologies, BS     
  • University of Rwanda, - Nuclear Science and technology, BS
  • IPEN (Brazil) - Nuclear Science and Technology , MS
International projects in nuclear area
MEPhI academic and research staff participates in several international projects, e.g. ITER, NICA.
Graduates’ Career Prospects
30 % of all ROSATOM new young employees are MEPhI graduates; Research work for thesis and practical training are at  MEPhI training centers and Rosatom enteprises.  Basic employers are Rosatom state Atomic Energy Corporation, Kaspersky, MAIL.RU, SBERBANK
Outstanding Alumni
1. Nikolay Basov physicist, Nobel laureate , inventor of lasers and masers
2. Sergey Avdeev , cosmonaut , holder of the record for cumulative time spent in space
3. Yuri Oganessian, nuclear physicist , world's leading researcher in superheavy chemical elements
4. Lev Okun, theoretical physicist, author of the term "hadron"

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (MIPT) known informally as Phystech, is a leading Russian university famous in Theoretical and Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, IT, Life Sciences and related disciplines.
MIPT was founded in 1951 by Nobel Laureates Pyotr Kapitsa, Lev Landau and Nikolay Semenov and an acting member of the Soviet Academy of Science Sergey Khristianovich.
Pyotr Kapitsa, one of the founders of MIPT, outlined the following basic principles of the “Phystech System”:
  • Leading scientists from key institutions (such as universities, research centers and commercial knowledge-based organization where students do research and write their theses) shall be involved in student education using the high-tech equipment of these institutions.
  • Training in key institutions implies an individual approach to each student.
  • Each second-third year student shall be involved in scientific work.
Upon graduation, students shall be able to apply contemporary methods of theoretical and experimental research and possess ample engineering knowledge to meet relevant technical challenges

Total number of students: 7456
Number of international students: 1191 (16%)
Address: 9 Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141701, Russian Federation
Tel.: +7 (495) 408-45-54
Social networks: You tube; Telegramm; Vk; Flikr
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
There are over 100 laboratories conduct research in different fields of science, both fundamental and applied studies. All of them are highly equipped and have every opportunity to create and develop.
Among  MIPT research laboratories there are also:
  • Nuclear Physics Methods Laboratory
  • Radiophotonics Laboratory
  • Advanced Control Systems Lab
  • Laboratory for Advanced Studies of Membrane Proteins
  • Applied Cybernetic Systems Lab
  • Applied Infrared Spectroscopy Lab
  • Artificial Quantum Systems Lab
  • Biomedical Engineering Lab
  • Laboratory of the Biophysics of Excitable Systems
  • Cellular and Molecular Technologies Lab
  • Center for Molecular Electronics (CME)
  • Machine Intelligence Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Nanocarbon Materials
  • Laboratory of Topological Quantum Phenomena in Superconducting Systems
  • Laboratory of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
  • Laboratory for the Photonics of Quantum Nanostructures
  • Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (VK)
  • Laboratory of Nanooptics and Plasmonics
  • Pulsed Plasma System Lab
  • Terahertz Spectroscopy Lab
Academic and research staff 
Staff Professional development and training in nuclear area
MIPT academic and research staff regularly takes part in scientific and practical conferences organized with the participation of nuclear industry enterprises.
Available academic programs
Information for Students is available at
For PhD programs we recommend searching a research supervisor by yourself. To start this process please use our brochure. We will assist you by facilitating initial contacts with your preferable research supervisor.
For the information about application deadlines, please, contact International Admissions of MIPT  Email:
Network Academic Programs with international partner universities
University of Twente
Belarus State University (Belarus)
Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
Univesity of Groningen (Netherlands)
Harbour.Space (Spain)
Programs with international and professional accreditation N/A
International projects in nuclear area
Some of the examples of international projects implemented by/with the participation of MIPT in the field of nuclear technology:
  • Nuclear Physics
Traditionally, nuclear physics includes not only studies related to the structure of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, but also the entire physics of elementary particles, as well as some sections of astrophysics and cosmology. At present, the efforts of the group are concentrated in the field of so-called non-accelerator experiments in elementary particle physics.
  • International experiment GERDA
The GERDA (GERmanium Detector Array) experiment, implemented at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy, was created to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76. GERDA uses germanium detectors enriched in the Ge-76 isotope. The detectors are immersed in liquid argon, which cools them to operating temperature (87 K) and, at the same time, serves as additional protection against background radiation. The experiment is carried out in several stages or phases. At the moment, the second phase of the experiment has ended and a third is planned.
  • Muon monitor for underground low-background experiments
Location: Spain, Canfranc-Estación, underground laboratory in Canfranc (LSC Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc) Task: detection of high-energy cosmic muon groups in the LSC underground laboratory.
  • Troitsk nu-mass neutrino mass search facility
The Troitsk nu-mass facility is one of the few world-class experiments operating in Russia in the field of elementary particle physics. The purpose of the experiment is to search for masses of both active and sterile neutrinos. The results obtained from the plant are currently the best in the world.
  • Belle-2 experiment at the Super-B-factory for precision measurement of the quark sector and search for new physics (head of the project – Tagir Aushev)
The goal of the project is to launch the new international Belle-II experiment at the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider and obtain new, by an order of magnitude more accurate data on the parameters of CP violation in B-meson decays, on rare decays of B- and D-mesons, as well as tau leptons. , on the properties of new hadronic states containing heavy quarks.
  • Study of B-meson decays in the CMS experiment at CERN
  • Participation in research of international collaborations MPD and BM@N at the NICA accelerator complex
Through the affiliated Department of Plasma Energy (TRINITI JSC and Project Center ITER), students and PhD students have an opportunity to take part in a variety of the scientific projects of global importance. E.g., they can work on the project of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ITER, as well as on the complex ‘NICA’ (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Faсility) - a new accelerator complex designed at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) to study properties of dense baryonic matter.

Cooperation with the industry
MIPT students master specialized disciplines taught by researchers from industrial enterprises, and have internships at the following enterprises:
  • Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) of the Russian Academy of Science
  • Institute for Nuclear Research (INR) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research (TRINITI JSC) of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
  • Project Center ITER (ROSATOM)
  • Dukhov Automatics Research Institute (VNIIA) of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
  • International intergovernmental organization “Joint Institute for Nuclear Research” (JINR)
  • National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
  • Institute for High Energy Physics of NRC Kurchatov Institute (IHEP)
Outstanding Alumni
MIPT graduates include two Nobel Prize winners, over 150 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, including the President and Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, over 6000 Doctors of Sciences, and around 17,000 Candidates of Sciences.

Andre Geim
Graduate 1982

Sir Andre is a Russian, Dutch and British physicist who became a 2010 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics.

In 2011 Queen Elizabeth II issued a decree awarding him with the title of Knight Bachelor for his services to science. He was also appointed Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 2007 and Foreign Member of the US NAS in 2012.

Konstantin Novoselov

Graduate 1997

Konstantin is a Russian and British physicist. He became a 2010 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics and was appointed Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 2007 and Foreign Member of the US NAS.

Serguei Beloussov

Graduate 1995
Serguei is a businessman and a venture capitalist. He is the chairman of the board of the Parallels company, and at the same time he is the founder and CEO of Acronis.

Aleksandr Kaleri

Doctoral degree 1983

Aleksandr is a Russian cosmonaut, who made 5 flights lasting a total of 769 days.

Mikhail Lukin

Graduate 1993

Mikhail is a Russian and American scientist in the field of theoretical and experimental physics, professor of physics at Harvard University. He is included in the list of the most cited scientists in the world and his h-index is 125.

Ratmir Timashev

Graduate 1990

Ratimir is a Russian businessman, the founder of Aelita Software, the founder and president of Veelam Software co-founder of the ABRT Venture Fund and was one of top-30 leading Russian IT-businessmen by Forbes.

Aleksandr Serebrov

Doctoral degree 1970

Aleksandr is a Soviet cosmonaut. A hero of the USSR. He had been a record holder (up to 1997) for totalling more than 56 hours of flying time on board the Mir station and for the number of extra-vehicular activities (10 times).

Nikolay Storonsky

Graduate 2006
Nikolay is a prominent businessman, CEO and the founder of Revolut, which is UK's most valuable fintech startup.

Mohammad Mehdi Tehranchi

Doctoral degree

Mohammad is a modern Iranian theoretical physicist, Acting member, scientist, professor emeritus of the Shahid Beheshti University, advisor to the head of the Center for Strategic Research of the Scientific and Technological Research Expediency Council and President of the Azad Islamic University.

David Yang

Graduate 1989

David is the founder and member of the board of directors of the ABBYY group of companies. He holds Doctoral degree in Physics and Mathematics.

Eldar Akhmetgaliev

Graduate 2009

Eldar is the founder of a MOCAP Analytics startup, which is now one of the best in the world in data processing based on machine learning. He works in the US Silicon Valley.

Fr. Mesrop Aramian

Graduate 1990

Fr. Mesrop is an Adviser to the President of the Republic of Armenia on Education, the founder and editor-in-chief of Vem spiritual and cultural radio station and co-founder (together with Phystech graduates of different years D. Yan, A. and D. Pakhchanyans) of the Ayb educational foundation.

Aram Pakhchanyan

Graduate 1985

Aram is a Vice President of the ABBYY Group of Companies and co-founder of Ayb Educational Foundation and Ayb School where he holds a position as a director. Aram was twice included in the rating of "Top-100 Russian Managers" by AMR and "Kommersant".

Stanislav Protasov

Graduate 1993

Stanislav is a co-founder and senior vice president of software design and development at Acronis. He holds a Doctoral degree in physics and mathematics as well as 71 international patents. Stanislav is a co-author of container technology and one of the top CIOs by Kommersant.

The graduates in nuclear areas  are constantly in demand in the following organizations:
  • Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) of the Russian Academy of Science
  • Institute for Nuclear Research (INR) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research (TRINITI JSC) of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
  • Project Center ITER (ROSATOM)
  • Dukhov Automatics Research Institute (VNIIA) of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
  • International intergovernmental organization “Joint Institute for Nuclear Research” (JINR)
  • National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”

Institute for High Energy Physics of NRC Kurchatov Institute (IHEP)

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Bauman University)
July 1st, 1830 Emperor Nicholas I approved «Statute of Moscow Craft School». It was the first Russian technical university.
New school was created to teach various crafts as well as basic sciences. By 1868 education MCS was reorganized as Imperial Moscow Technical School (IMTS). The main purpose of IMTS was to «educate construction engineers, mechanical engineers and industrial technologists».
IMTS system of handicraft education of engineers was recognized all over the world. «Russian method» became especially well-known after Vienna World Exhibition (1873) where it was awarded Big Gold Medal. IMTS was recognized the best machine-building education institution of Russia and joined the ranks of the world leading polytechnic schools. A lot of outstanding scientists taught in IMTS, such as D. Mendeleev, N. Jukovsky, P. Chebychev, S. Chaplygin, A. Yershov, D. Sovetkin, F. Dmitriev, A. Letnikov, A. Gavrilenko.

A lot of prominent scientists and engineers graduated from MHTS. The list includes aircraft and rockets designers such as Andrey Tupolev and Sergey Korolev; Nicholay Dollezhal, a designer of nuclear stations; prominent metallurgist Alexander Tselikov, Sergey Lebedev – a chief designer of the first Soviet computer.

Address: 105005, ul. Baumanskaya 2-ya, 5/1, Moscow
Tel.: +7 (499) 263-63-91
Social networks: You tube; Telegramm; Vk
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
  • Special education and rehabilitation technologies Laboratory
  • Laboratory «Composite materials, components and structures mechanical and physical properties Research»
  • Russia Technical Education Problems Laboratory
  • Scientific and testing laboratory «BMSTU test»
  • Laboratory «Dynamic strength materials»
  • Laboratory «Vibration testing»
  • Laboratory «Machining»
  • Laboratory «Process automation»
  • Laboratory «Heat-insulating materials»
  • Laboratory «Polymeric coatings»
  • Laboratory «Manufacturing technology»
  • Laboratory «Automatic control systems»
  • Laboratory «Micromechanics and micro robotic technology»
  • Materials mechanical tests Laboratory
  • Laboratory «Student Design Bureau»
  • Composite Materials Laboratory
  • Programming Laboratory
  • Laboratory «Gas turbines and combined engines»
  • Laboratory «Space closed-cycle gas turbine power plant»
  • Laboratory «Heat and Mass Transfer and Thermomechanics»
  • Laboratory «Thermal power plants Control systems»
  • Laboratory «Refrigeration and cryogenic systems»
  • Laboratory «Hydromachines»
  • Laboratory «Electric propulsion and power systems»
  • Laboratory «Ion-plasma technology»
  • Laboratory «Radiation plasma systems and technologies»
  • Laboratory «Microplasma gas-discharge plants and technologies»
  • Laboratory «Combined porous mesh materials»
  • Laboratory «Polydisperse systems Filtering process»
  • Laboratory «Environmental protection»
  • Network technologies Laboratory
  • Security equipment Laboratory
  • Technical systems processes simulation Laboratory
  • Information Technologies Laboratory
  • Scientific and Research Laboratory (SRL)
  • Scientific creativity techniques and psychology academic and research laboratory
Academic and research staff
3353 academic and research staff, including 2205 PhDs and 9 pers. international staff
Staff professional development and upskilling
There are 4 divisions providing annual staff training.
Available academic programs
Information for students is available at
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
There are students’ scientific works, course works and diploma projects based on actual field problems assisted by leading specialists of nuclear organizations. Workers from Joint Stock Company «N.A. Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering», Kurchatov Institute, OKB «GIDROPRESS», All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation, JSC ELEMASH Machine-Building Plant and other nuclear organizations work at BMSTU as part-time workers and advisors. Moreover there are summer practices, diploma practices and internships taken place at these organizations.

Scientific collaboration includes research works and research & development works released as BMSTU by nuclear field organizations’ orders.
Graduates’ Career Prospects
Graduates are employed in fundamental sciences, Informatics and control systems, Machine-building technologies, Radio-electronics, laser and medical equipment, Robotics and complex automation, Mechanical engineering, Power machine-building, Engineering business and management.

Graduates are in demand both in government and commercial companies, such as Joint Stock Company «N.A. Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering», Kurchatov Institute, OKB «GIDROPRESS», All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation, JSC ELEMASH Machine-Building Plant and others.
Outstanding Alumni
  • Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - Lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer, founder of soviet cosmonautics
  • Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov - Russian engineer, scientist and architect, inventor of the Shukhov cracking process
  • Vladimir Solovyov - Soviet cosmonaut and first man on Mir
  • Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev - pioneering Soviet aircraft engineer, chief designer of the "Tupolev" aircraft
  • Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi - Soviet aerospace engineer, chief designer of the "Sukhoi" military aircraft
  • Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev - Russian mathematician and mechanician
  • Vladimir Mikhailovich Myasishchev - Soviet aircraft designer
  • Georgy Malenkov - Prime Minister of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky - Russian scientist and mechanician, founder of modern ae dynamics
  • Vladimir Nikolayevich Chelomei - Soviet mechanics scientist, aviation and missile engineer
  • Nikolay Alekseevich Pilyugin - Soviet chief designer of rocket guidance systems
  • Semyon Alekseyevich Lavochkin - Soviet aircraft designer, founder of the Lavochkin aircraft design bureau
  • Vladimir Mikhailovich Petlyakov - Soviet aeronautical engineer
  • Sergey Alexeyevich Chaplygin - Russian and Soviet physicist, mathematician, and mechanical engineer
  • Sergei Alekseyevich Lebedev - Soviet scientist in the fields of electrical engineering and computer science, designer of the first Soviet computers
  • Ivan Georgievich Petrovsky - Soviet mathematician
  • Vladimir Evgenievich Zotikov - Russian and Soviet scientist and textile engineer
  • Lev Iakovlevich Karpov - Russian Chemist and Bolshevik revolutionary
  • Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov - Soviet physicist, the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • Arkady Grigoryevich Mordvinov - Soviet architect and construction manager
  • Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Mikulin - Soviet aircraft engine designer and chief designer in the Mikulin design bureau
  • Sergey Alexandrovich Afanasyev - Soviet engineer and statesman, space and defence industry executive, the first Minister of the Soviet Ministry of General Machine Building.
  • Sergey Pavlovich Nepobedimiy - Soviet designer of rocket weaponry
  • Nikolay Antonovich Dollezhal - Soviet mechanical engineer, a key figure in Soviet atomic bomb project and chief designer of nuclear reactors
  • Vladimir Pavlovich Barmin - Soviet scientist, designer of the rocket launch complexes
  • Alexander Leonovich Kemurdzhian - Soviet engineer, first planetary rovers chassis designer
  • Konstantin Petrovich Feoktistov - Soviet cosmonaut and space engineer
  • Oleg Ivanovich Skripochka - Soviet cosmonaut and space engineer
  • Oleg Grigoryevich Makarov - Soviet cosmonaut.
  • Gennadi Mikhailovich Strekalov - Soviet engineer and cosmonaut
  • Vassili Nesterenko - Soviet Nuclear Energy physicist
  • Maksim Zakharovich Saburov - Soviet engineer, economist and politician
  • Zou Jiahua - former Vice Premier of China
  • Georgy Trefilov - founder and the former co-owner of the "MARTA" holding
  • Dmitry Grishin - Russian businessman, investor and Internet entrepreneur. Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Group
  • Dmitry Sklyarov - Russian programmer, hacker and cryptographer
  • Igor Sysoev - creator and developer of the Nginx Web server and founder of NGINX, Inc

Voronezh State University
Voronezh State University is a research-led institution and its research activities are organised within a network of 18 faculties, 6 research institutes, 16 research laboratories administered by the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Our 10 research and developments centres have a strong record in collaborating with the region’s leading commercial and public sector organisations;

We pride ourselves on fundamental cutting-edge research currently carried out in the Nanotechnology Centre and the Science Park which house state-of-the-art facilities and implement advanced technologies enabling us to consistently retain high rankings among the leading Russian Universities;

We have an excellent academic portfolio of over 100 postgraduate courses which are available both to Russian and international students. Aiming to provide greater research opportunities we expand the number of our postgraduate courses every year across different faculties;
We offer a multitude of undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses (both full- and part-time) which centre around the following major research and teaching programmes:
  • physics and mathematics
  • radiophysics
  • electronics
  • natural sciences
  • geosciences
  • humanities and social sciences
  • educational theory and pedagogy
  • medicine and pharmaceutics
  • economics and management.
Apart from its 10 buildings and 9 residence halls located primarily in the city centre, the university’s infrastructure comprises:
  • a unique Nature Reserve Galichya Gora open to staff and students’ research and study: it is the only university-affiliated nature reserve in Europe
  • excellent library facilities providing access to numerous learning resources as well as a collection of old and rare books, some of which date back to the 16th century
  • Folk Culture and Ethnography Museum
  • Book Museum
  • University’s History Museum
  • Geological Museum
  • Soil Museum named after prof. P.G. Aderikhin
  • Museum of the Central Black Earth Region Flora named after prof. I.I. Barabash-Nikiforov
  • Usmanskyi Bor Natural Museum
  • Virtual VSU Computer Centre Museum.
Currently over 1400 staff are actively involved in research projects, including 100 research fellows, 3 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign Academies, and 292 professors. A total of 43 staff members hold various honorary titles awarded by the government of the Russian Federation for their outstanding achievements and notable contribution to their research fields;
The university’s research portfolio includes as many as 28 key research areas with strong emphasis on ground-breaking research into nanotechnologies;
Over the course of its long and glorious history Voronezh State University has formed more than 40 internationally recognized academic and research communities which annually undertake more than 200 research projects and are regularly awarded national and international grants to pursue their research. Currently the staff are actively engaged in 8 international projects as part of TEMPUS and FP7 programmes;
Voronezh State University is home to 25 Dissertation Defense Boards which oversee the preparation and the defense of PhD, Dr. phil. habil and Dr. phil. nat. habil dissertations and submit recommendations to the Supreme Certifying Committee for the award of postgraduate degrees;
Voronezh State University is highly committed to distributing and exchanging knowledge and expertise generated by our researchers. We have rightfully earned a reputation as a leading research centre in Russia due to a total of more than 60 national and international conferences that we host on an annual basis. We also view it as our number-one priority to uphold a long-established tradition of international quality academic publishing;
Over a span of more than 95 years of our history we are proud to have awarded degrees to more than 100 000 graduates;
Nearly 1650 academic staff work at the university, including 277 professors and 856 senior lecturers.
Address: 1 Universitetskaya pl., Voronezh, 394018, Russia
Tel.: +7 (473) 220-87-55
Social networks: You tubeVk

National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (MPEI)
Moscow Power Engineering Institute is one of the main technical universities in Russia in the field of Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Radio Engineering and Electronics, Informatics and Computer Science, founded in 1930.
MPEI as a university consists of 12 institutes and more than 100 scientific and research laboratories. Infrastructure includes a specialized pilot plant, a unique educational Heat power plant which is located inside the university campus, the largest scientific and technical library in the country. In recent years, numerous Russian and international companies made investments in MPEI labs and education technologies. Most of the training rooms and laboratories were renewed and provided with modern equipment for excellent training of engineers and specialists for high-tech industries.

Moscow Power Engineering Institute has several branches in cities of Voljsky, Smolensk, Konakovo and international branches in Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan) and Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan).
For 90 years of university activity, MPEI has prepared more than 200 thousand specialists. Among them are Acting members, state prize laureates, heads of ministries and enterprises, politicians, cosmonauts, prominent cultural figures, members of government. The most notable graduates are: Former Premier of the People's Republic of China Li Peng, President of Romania Ion Iliescu.
Address: Krasnokazarmennaya 14, Moscow,111250 Russia.
Tel.: +7 (495) 362-73-07
Social networks: rutubeVk; Telegramm
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
MPEI has educational laboratories in its the main specialized Nuclear Power disciplines: a neutron physics laboratory, an uranium-water subcritical test facility; a class of analytical simulators and thermohydraulic codes, laboratory of physical and chemical processes in the equipment of nuclear power plants, and a laboratory for the thermohydraulic of nuclear power plants.

Unique equipment:
1. Experimental stand "Unilateral target heating" for the study of heat transfer in structural elements facing the discharge chamber of thermonuclear reactors at ultrahigh energy density The stand provides: pumping of the working chamber, heating of the working area with an electron beam, accelerating voltage up to 60 kV, maximum beam power up to 60 kW, coolant circulation in the hydraulic circuit, operating pressure in the hydraulic circuit up to 2 MPa, coolant flow rate up to 0.5 kg/s.
2. Stand “Fuel assembly"
The hydraulic circuit of the stand is a closed single-circuit hermetically tight circulation system filled with distilled water, with an operating pressure range of 0.1÷16.0 MPa, temperatures of 10÷349°C. The main element of the high-frequency heating system is a high-frequency generator. The generator provides an oscillatory power of 60 kW at the output of the circuit at a frequency of 0.44 MHz.
3. Plasma device PLM-M
The unique plasma device PLM-M is a multicusp linear trap with a steady-state plasma discharge for plasma testing of fusion materials of a thermonuclear reactor. The PLM-M device has no analogues in Russia, it is among several of the most powerful devices of such class in the world. The density of the heat flux on the tested surface of materials in experiments on the PLM-M, facing the plasma, reaches 10 MW/m2 or more in experiments with the additional use of a laser load. The PLM-M is equipped with a set of contact and non-contact plasma diagnostics.
4. The mercury MHD stand
An experimental facility for the study of hydrodynamics and heat transfer of liquid metal coolants in strong magnetic fields "The mercury MHD stand"

Department of Chemistry and Electrochemical Energy:
  • Surface area analyzer Nova 1000 (Qantachrome);
  • IR spectrophotometer DR/2500, DRB 200 with thermoblock (Hach);
  • Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy "FSM-1202";
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) JEOL JSM-6380LA;
  • Equipment for the preparation and analysis of the structure of porous bodies in a wide range of pore sizes "Porotech";
  • Fuel cell testing station (Hydrogenics);
Electrochemical equipment Solartron.
Academic and research staff
MPEI academic and research staff:
Total - 1426 pers.
among them  767 Candidates of Sciences and 252 Doctors of Sciences
Acting Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 2 pers.
International academic staff - 51 pers.
Staff Professional development and training in nuclear area
MPEI academic staff is trained in advanced training programs, which allow them to provide a high-quality educational and upbringing process for bachelors and masters of the university. The programs are aimed at studying modern pedagogical methods, raising the level of teaching disciplines, using modern electronic software products in the educational process. Over the past three years, professors of the departments of “Nuclear Power Plants” and “General Physics and Nuclear Fusion” have been trained on 264 programs.
University personnel undergo annual advanced training, including upskilling programs at the enterprises of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) according to the programs approved by the Сorporation for designing power engineering facilities, ensuring the reliability and safety of nuclear infrastructure.
Available Academic programs  
Information for Students is available at the web-site

Network Academic Programs with international partner university
Bachelor’s degree programs

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
  • Heat Power Plants
  • Electrical Power Systems and Grids
  • Electrical Power Stations and Substations
  • Hydroelectric Plants
  • Enterprises and Organizations Economics
  • Enterprises and Organizations Management
  • Autonomous Energy Systems
  • Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics
  • Control and Informatics in Technical Systems
  • Quality Management
Kyrgyz Technical University
  • Electrical Power Systems and Grids
  • Hydroelectric Plants
  • Electromechanics
  • Heat Power Plants
  • Electricity Transmission and Distribution
  • Biotechnical Energy Devices and Systems
Studies in Electrical Engineering are wide-ranging and relevant to industry. Participants will learn to design smart grids, manage power quality, take advantage of data driven applications to enhance electrical solutions and get understanding of innovations development.

North China Electric Power University
  • Heat Power Plants
  • Nuclear Power Plants and Technologies
  • Electricity Transmission and Distribution
Programs organized in cooperation between MPEI and NCEPU are aimed at providing sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge in the Heat and fluid sciences combined with simulation and experimental skills applied to power plant, waste treatment, energy generation and gas turbines research. Graduates will be ready to apply their skills in industrial engineering companies and power plants.

Viet Nam National University
  • Automated Systems for Data Processing and Control
The program in Automated Systems is an important study in many energy fields, involving such specialists as engineers, physicists, mathematicians, and designers. The program combines knowledge of industrial engineering, such as electrical and mechanical engineering, electronics, data science and some aspects of artificial intelligence. Participants will gain the advanced knowledge necessary to devise innovative solutions and systems in the broad field of automation and control.

Tangshan Institute
  •  Machines and High-Effective Processes Technologies for Material Treatment
The program constitutes a foundation of several branches of today's modern technology. Program Participants provided with a robust theoretical understanding of additive manufacturing and 3D printing processes, material treatment and the practical skills to apply such methods to solve real-life problems.
Programs with international and professional accreditation  
Education programs accredited by Agency for Higher Education Quality and Assurance and Career Development
International accreditation
  • 13.03.02, Bachelor’s degree program “Electrical equipment and electric facility enterprises, organizations and institutions”, AKKORK
  • 13.04.01, Master’s degree program “Water and Fuel Technology in Power Engineering”, AKKORK
  • 13.04.03, Master’s degree program “Fossil and Nuclear Fuel Energy Unit”, AKKORK
Professional accreditation
  • Bachelor’s degree program “Electrical equipment and electric facility enterprises, organizations and institutions”
  • Bachelor’s degree program “Distribution Electrical Grid”
  • Master’s degree program “Water and Fuel Technology in Power Engineering”
  • Master’s degree program “Fossil and Nuclear Fuel Energy Unit
Educational programs accredited by National Center for Public Accreditation
International and Professional Accreditation
Field of study 38.03.01 Economics
  • Business Economics
  • Enterprises and Organizations Economics
Field of study 38.03.02 Management
  • Logistics and Procurement Management
  • Enterprises and Organizations Management
  • Marketing
Field of study 38.03.05 Business Informatics
  • Enterprise Information System Architecture
  • Companies and Market Economy
  • Accounting, Audit and Tax Consulting
Field of study 38.03.05 Quality Management 
  • Management of Product Quality, Processes and Services
  • Quality Management in Production and Technological Systems
Field of study 27.03.04 Control in Technical Systems
  • Automated Control Systems
  • Systems and Technical Equipment for Automatization and Control
  • Control and Informatics in Technical Systems
Field of study 27.04.04 Control in Technical Systems, Master’s Degree
  • Control and Informatics in Technical Systems
International Projects in nuclear area  
  • Water Chemistry Conditions in Nuclear Reactors
  • Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment
  • Commissioning and Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plant Reactors Abroad
  • Heat and Mass Transfer Process Modeling in the First Water Circuit of Nuclear Reactors
  • Sustainable Programs Implementation on Nuclear Power Plants
  • Integration of Small Nuclear Power Plants to Energy System
  • Modern Equipment Design Methods for Small Nuclear Reactors
  • Reliability and Security Analysis of Nuclear Reactors
  • Structural Materials and Facilities Lifetime on Small Nuclear Reactor Plant
  • Automated Systems for Modeling and Calculations of Nuclear Power Plant Schemes
  • Nuclear Fusion 
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
Joint research work with VEI (now VNIITF).
Students and teachers are involved in programs of advanced scientific research in the interests of the enterprises of the State Corporation "Rosatom". The results of the best studies of students and teachers were awarded with honorary diplomas and grants from nuclear industry enterprises.
Scientific and educational programs are built on the basis of close interaction between teaching staff and employees of nuclear industry enterprises in order to improve the professional skills of university graduates, increase the competitiveness of nuclear industry products.
Joint scientific projects with JSC “N.A. Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering” (JSC NIKIET), NPP, ASE, VNIIAES, IBRAE, NRC "Kurchatov Institute", JSC "SSC RF TRINITI", JSC "Red Star", JSC "NIIEFA" etc.

The Department of Automated Control Systems for Heat Processes is in close coordination with companies in the industry (design institutes, NPPs, ZIO Podolsk, etc.) The head of the Department is the head of the design department of RASU (“Rosatom” division Department of Industrial Heat and Power Systems interacts with enterprises in the industry related to the “Rosatom” State Corporation within the framework of educational programs (practical training of students at the enterprises of the industry).
Department Electrical Power Stations has a strong ties with the industry – utilities, power generation companies, design bureaus and power equipment producers. The partnership develops in several directions – R&Ds, vocational training courses, teaching students for the companies. For the last 10 years a number of R&Ds have been carried out for Mosenergo Public Stock Company (PSC), Rosseti PSC, FGC UES PCS, Russian Railroads PSC and others. Vocational training courses organized in the Department Training Center. The subject of the cources are the Calculation of the Short Circuit Currents and Equipment Selection, the Automated Control Systems of Electrical Power Equipment.
Graduates’ Career prospects
In various sectors of the industry related to electromechanical energy conversion, electric drive, low-voltage electrical equipment, electrical materials, electroHeat processes and installations. From the enterprises of Rosatom can be called VEI (now VNIITF).
MPEI graduates are in demand in all industry and energy sectors, including the nuclear industry.
MPEI graduates are especially in demand as highly qualified specialists in the field of design and operation of power plants running on organic and nuclear fuels in design organizations of the State Corporation “Rosatom”, at Heat and nuclear power plants, at enterprises and design bureaus of power engineering.
MPEI graduates are in demand in the nuclear industry, work in organizations related to the Rosatom State Corporation, Electrical engineering - design bureau, operation and maintenance of electrical stations, substations and grids, NPP, ASE, VNIIAES, IBRAE, NIKIET, etc.

Deptartment of Automated Control Systems for Heat Processes:
Graduates of the Department are extremely in demand by the energy industry. Their broad competencies allow them to find employment not only in the traditional fields of energy and automation, but also in the field of IT, cybersecurity, app development, including in the automation of business processes, as well as the development of artificial intelligence systems. In the nuclear industry, students of the department successfully work at nuclear power plants, in “RASU”, AtomTehEnergo.
Outstanding Alumni
  • V.I. Shimko – Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR;
  •  A.F. Trutko – Head of the Main Directorate of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR;
  • Yu.P. Dokuchaev – Director of the Research Institute "Pulsar" Hero of Socialist Labor;
  •  V.G. Ogonkov and A.I. Petrashko – Directors of VNIIEM;
  • I.B. Peshkov – President of the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of the Russian Federation;
  • Prof. Albrecht Zur (Germany);
  • V.V. Kolchin – Director of the Electrokeramics Research Institute;
  • N.F. Ilinskiy, V.F. Kozachenko, V.N. Ostrirov, A.S. Anuchin – leading scientists in the field of electric drive;
  • outstanding electromechanics A.P. Burman, V.Ya. Bespalov, I.P. Kopylov, S.I. Kopylov; A.V. Scherbakov – one of the youngest Doctors of technical sciences in Russia.
  • A.V. Shcheglyaev – Corresponding member USSR Academy of Sciences;
  • Professor V.G. Gribin, Professor P.V. Roslyakov, Professor A.E. Zaryankin, Acting member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Bolotin and many other outstanding graduates laid the foundation for the development of scientific schools in the field of power engineering and mechanics.
  • V.A. Kirillin – Acting member, prominent scientist in the power engineering, chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Science and Technology
  • The Department of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) of the National Research Institute "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" was established in 1956 and is the oldest Atomic Energy Department in Europe. Professor Theresa Margulova was the first head of the department, where she organized the training of specialists and engineers in the field of nuclear energy, which was a new industry at that time. From the moment of department foundation till the present time, the main task of the department has been to train highly qualified specialists for the enterprises of the nuclear industry. A major contribution to the establishment and development of the department was made by outstanding scientists and specialists from both industry and research institutes, among them the members of USSR Academy of Sciences: Viktor Sidorenko, Georgiy Kruzhilin, professors Nikolay Sinev, A. Kochenov, V. Gerasimov, V. Titov, G. Bat, L. Voronin
  • Acting member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Klimenko Alexander Viktorovich;
  • Acting member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Klimenko Vladimir Viktorovich Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ametistov Evgeny Viktorovich, Rector of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute from 1990 to 2005
  •  Pushkarev A. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Laboratory, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"
  • Dzhus K. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Hydrogen Technologies of GAZPROM VNIIGAZ
  • Glukhov A.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist of TVEL
  • Kiselev I.V. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Investment Specialist of Rosnano
  • Kulova T. L. Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Laboratory, Chief Researcher, A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
  • Bespalov A.V. – Chief of Technical Office BKP-3, Stock Company Atomenergoporekt
  • Dolin A.P. – General Director of NTC 'EDS' LLC
  • Volkov M.S. – Deputy CTO Stock Company NTC ‘UES’
  • Berdnikov R. N. – Deputy General Director PSC RusHydro
  • Treschev S.E. – Austronaut, Hero of the Russian Federation
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin

Ural Federal University (UrFU) is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia bringing together fundamental education and innovative approach towards the challenges of modern times.

Currently the university is home to almost 35 000 students from 115+ countries of the world and more than 4 000 faculty members including the top-notch global experts in the spheres of natural sciences, engineering and social sciences.

Our Institutes offer about 400+ Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Programs in natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, economics and management taught in Russian and English. The number of UrFU alumni exceeds 380 000 people. Breakthrough studies are pursued in 72 research excellence centers. The university is open to international collaboration having almost 400 partners all over the globe and being an active participant of such initiatives as BRICS Network University, SCO Network University, CIS University.

Address: 620002, 19 Mira street, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Tel.: +7 800 100-50-44, +7 343 375-44-74, +7 343 375-97-33
Social networks: Youtube
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
There are 76 specialized laboratories, including the Technology Park (cyclotron, microtron), 50 training simulators with equipment allowing to model typical and disturbance situations of power plants.
The Hydrogen Energy Research Institute was established at Ural Federal University. It will become a platform for implementation of the large-scale project "Materials and Technologies for Hydrogen and Nuclear Power Engineering". The new research institute was created as part of the Priority 2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program. The employees of the institute will develop and synthesize new functional materials and devices with high performance characteristics for hydrogen power engineering.
There are 12 international scientific laboratories at UrFU there are some of them: Climate and environmental physics laboratory; NANOFER – Laboratory of nano-sized ferroelectric materials; Laboratory of non-conventional low-size materials; Laboratory “Chemical design of advanced multifunctional oxide materials”; Laboratory of magnetic sensor; Laboratory of molecular mechanisms and morphogenesis ecology.
UrFU also has an agreement and is active on the XuetangX foreign platform, thanks to which we promote our online courses in other countries, and at the same time give our students the opportunity to study at foreign universities.
Academic and research staff
The number of academic staff – 1396 full time professors and associate professor docents, 596 senior lecturers, 74 teaching assistants; 505 part-time professors and associate professors, 213 senior lecturers, 143 teaching assistants, there are 114 international academic staff.
Staff professional development and upskilling in nuclear area
Ural Federal University annually realizes advanced training for its academic staff on such programs as “Protection against ionizing radiation” and “Radiation safety standards” with realization via ROSATOM Technical Academy. Also, we are working in a close tie with the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science in the field of thesis scientific supervision of UrFU PhD students.  
Available Academic programs
Atomic reactor building, machines, units and technology of materials of the atomic industry
Nuclear power stations, including projection, operation and a conclusion from operation
Technology infrequent, dispelled and radioelements
Master’s degree Materials science and technologies of materials
Master’s degree Chemical technology
Bachelor’s degree Nuclear reactors and materials
Bachelor’s degree Technology of division of isotopes and nuclear fuel
Bachelor’s degree Nuclear physics and technologies

Information for students is available at
Network academic programs with international partner universities
The main metwork programs of the University in nuclear physics are connected with radioactive fuel and its disposal, processing, extraction, enrichment, nuclear plant design, installation, operation, maintenance, repair.
International projects in nuclear technology
With ROSATOM UrFU has been realizing professional development and upskilling programs for international specialists on the program “Multipurpose Irradiation Centre as the Component of Centre of Nuclear Science and Technology” since 2019.
Also, there is a joint program with Egyptian University in Tata city to train specialists for the nuclear power plant. Programs are realized once/twice a year and UrFU academic staff are planning to come to Egypt to deliver disciplines on the site.
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
The cooperation with the enterprises of the region is very close. Beloyarskaya nuclear power plant and Uralelectromontazh are two main objects where UrFU students are practicing during their education process. 
Graduates’ Career prospects
There are 11 nuclear power plants in Russia, 4-5 of them are headed by UrFU alumnis.

Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), founded in 1896, is one of the largest advanced educational centres in Russia. It enters the group of the five best technical universities in Russia.
Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) is one of the largest advanced educational centers in Russia.
  •  7th position in 100 Forbes Best Russian Universities Ranking, 2021 (1st among HEIs in Siberia)
  •  more than 70 years experience in training both Russian and international experts for the nuclear industry needs at the School of Nuclear Science & Engineering
  • TPU has the only-in-Russia university operating nuclear research reactor
  • TPU international nuclear graduates work successfully in national atomic agencies, nuclear regulatory bodies and nuclear power plants all over the world

Address: 30, Lenina Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel.: +7(3822) 60-63-33, +7(3822) 56-38-65
Social networks: Youtube
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
TPU is one of the largest technical universities in Russia and is a scientific and educational complex with a well-developed infrastructure for scientific and innovative research and training of highly qualified personnel.
Today TPU consists of 10 research and engineering schools, 19 departments, 55 scientific laboratories, 32 academic and laboratory buildings, a scientific and technical library containing more than 2.6 million books, and other objects of scientific, educational and social infrastructure.
To train specialists in the field of nuclear education, the structure of Tomsk Polytechnic University includes the TPU School of Nuclear Science and Technology, which is a leading Russian scientific and educational center for nuclear, radiation and plasma technologies. Since 1950 it has been providing targeted training of specialists in basic areas for enterprises and organizations of SC Rosatom, providing training for the entire complex of nuclear fuel cycle enterprises.
TPU has a unique material and technical base:
  • The only operational IRT-T research nuclear reactor in the Russian Federation, where researches are conducted and students are trained
  • Complex of hot cells and boxes
  • R-7M (U-120) cyclotron
  • Complex of accelerators and betatrons
  • Complex of installations for ion and plasma processing of materials
  • Cleanroom complex
  • More than 75 installations in 15 chemical laboratories
  • High-tech educational and scientific equipment (spectrometers, analyzers, microscopes, etc.)
  • Lecture halls with unique demonstration stands (for example, the interactive Periodic Table of Mendeleev, exhibits of fuel assemblies and fuel elements and a reactor control panel)
  • Computer classes with digital simulators
  • Laboratory of computer modeling of processes in the equipment of Heat power plants and nuclear power plants, simulators VVER 1000, BN800, etc.;
  • Educational and scientific laboratory of physical modeling of NPP and TPP equipment;
  • Various specialized training and production complexes;
  • Laboratory for nondestructive testing of nuclear materials and radioactive substances;
  • Laboratory of security systems and countering nuclear terrorism;
  • And others.
Academic and research staff
Total ARS: 1300 pers.
Degree holders: 1019 pers.
Acting members of the Russian Academy of Sciences: 4 pers.
International staff: 38 pers.
Staff Professional development and upskilling in nuclear area
TPU has created and successfully operates a system of additional professional education for academic and research staff.
In addition to advanced training and professional retraining programs, TPU academic and research staff actively undergo internships at enterprises in the real economy sector. In the course of internships, ARS master best practices, innovative technologies, consolidate existing theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills.
Available academic programs
TPU develops and implements programs of additional professional education (advanced training, professional retraining) in the field of all provided areas and specialties of training. Training takes place on the basis of specialized departments, centers, laboratories of the university. The university has all the necessary resources to ensure high-quality and full-fledged training in additional professional education programs.
Specialists can develop educational programs tailored to the company's needs or modify existing ones to meet the customer's demands. 

Information for Students the detailed informal is available at   
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
Tomsk Polytechnic University closely cooperates with Rosatom both in academic and research fields.
Every year students of the university for their pre-graduate practical internships at Rosatom enterprises, participate in various competitions and other scientific and educational activities. 
The Center for training foreign specialists in the field of nuclear power was created by order of the state corporation.
TPU and SC Rosatom actively cooperate in the scientific sphere. Over the past five years, the university has carried out more than 25 research projects in the interests of the corporation's enterprises. Promising strategic areas for further cooperation include two-component nuclear power, decommissioning of nuclear and radiation-hazardous facilities, management of radioactive substances and radioactive waste, nuclear medicine and hydrogen power.
Also in the area of interest are joint development of technologies and methodological approaches related to decommissioning of nuclear facilities and nuclear waste management (including the creation of a research center at TPU) and  the development of high-power fast neutron reactors and closed nuclear fuel cycle technologies as well as and new types of fuel and the pilot-demonstration fast-neutron reactor.
TPU, on the initiative of the National Association of Technology Transfer (NATT), is a participant in the interaction platform of SC Rosatom with small business enterprises (SMEs), universities and research institutes. TPU competencies are represented by the scientific group of the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering. 
Graduates’ Career Prospects  
University graduates are in demand at enterprises of such corporations as Rosatom, Gazprom, Rosneft, Sibur, Gazpromneft, Rostec, Rosgeologia, Roscosmos, RusHydro, R-Pharm, at defense industry enterprises and other organizations and institutions.
In the nuclear fields of training, graduates are traditionally employed at enterprises of Rosatom, Roscosmos and Rostec, leading research institutes, as well as other high-tech organizations both in Russia and abroad.

Ivanovo State Power Institute (ISPI)
Ivanovo State Power Institute (ISPI) was established on May 17, 1930 based on Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Ivanovo-Voznesensk Polytechnical Institute. The thermotechnical and electrical engineering faculties were the first faculties to be created at the university. Later on, their number got increased, and nowadays frame of the main faculties appeared in the early 1990s.

University graduates have achieved great success in various fields. I.A. Kulev (graduated in 1936) worked as a deputy chairman of the USSR State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations, was head of the USSR Tennis Federation. E.V. Shabarov (graduated in 1946) became a prominent tester of rocket technology, worked with S.P. Korolev. B.N. Malinovsky (graduated in 1950), chief designer of the first general-purpose control computer in the USSR "Dnepr", corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR. Yu.B. Borodulin (graduated in 1953) ISPI rector (1970-1986), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, honoured master of sciences and engineering of the Russian Federation, Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of Russia (1986-1991), member  of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Address: 34, Rabfakovskaya st., Ivanovo, 153003, Russian Federation
Tel.: +7 4932 38-57-10, +7 4932 32-72-43, +7 4932 26-99-85
Social networks: Vk
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
  • Energy efficiency centre performing research, development and technological work in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement of industrial facilities, housing and communal services, social sphere;
  • Training and research simulators centre in the energy sector, where simulators for training in the management of a prototype power unit and emergency response training for operating personnel of power plants are developed;
  • Technopark currently specializes in projects in the field of electric drives and magnetic fluids;
  •  Problematic research laboratories: the laboratory of applied ferrohydrodynamics, the laboratory of vibration diagnostics, the laboratory of vibration protection of machines and devices, the laboratory of chemical technologies of water coolant in the energy sector;
  • Full-scale simulator of the power unit of a nuclear power plant with a WWER power unit, used to train trainees and conduct drills on the implementation of routine technological operations and emergency drills;
  • educational and research laboratories on the basis of 24 administering departments of ISPU.
Academic and research staff
Total number of academic and research staff – 356 pers.,  among them 246 PhDs.
Staff Professional development and training
Teaching and research staff do their professional development via advanced training programs and professional upskilling programs. Once in a three - year period compulsory professional development of the university staff allows maintaining knowledge level in various current trends of industries and technologies.
Another area of professional upskilling is internship courses for R&D staff at industrial enterprises, which makes it possible to provide an independent assessment of personnel training, strengthen partnership programs with basic enterprises, develop the professional competencies of teachers, and train supervisors for industrial internship courses
Available academic programs
Information for Students is available at
Network Educational Programs with international partner universities N/A
Programs with international and professional accreditation N/A
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
Corresponding industry enterprises are involved in the educational process within the whole period of study. Managers and employees of organizations take part in the educational process, deliver lectures and practical classes at the university. Additional interacting activities take place during industrial trainings based on industry enterprises. Supervisors who accompany practical activities on the territory of a certain organization are assigned to students.
Industries are involved in assessing the quality of education and updating curricula in accordance with modern requirements of employers and industry partners. Leading personnel are involved as members of state examination commissions in order to evaluate the level of students ‘competence during the defense of final qualification papers based on the results of training.
The University is doing R&D projects in the modeling of the main Heat and mechanical equipment commissioned by nuclear power plants, calculate Heat and electrical circuits, diagnose equipment and its elements, and participate in the development of simulators for energy industry enterprises. The scientific research results are widely used by energy companies, as well as manufacturers of electrical power and electrical equipment (power electrical equipment and measuring current and voltage transformers; automation devices, relay protection, measurements) and software developers.
Graduates’ Career prospects
  • Energy enterprises;
  • Metallurgical manufacturing enterprises;
  • Chemical industry enterprises;
  • Nuclear industry (Rosatom);
  • Refineries:
  • Pulp and paper production
  • Aviation industry enterprises:
Outstanding Alumni  

National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Lobachevsky University, UNN)
National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Lobachevsky University, UNN) was founded in 1916. After the Bolshevik Revolution, it became the first restored university of Soviet Russia. In 1956, because of its outstanding scientific results, the university was named after Nicholas Lobachevsky, famous Russian mathematician. The university always was a pioneer of the Soviet science: the first Faculty of Radio Physics (est.1945) and Faculty of Computational Mathematics & Cybernetics (est. 1963) were open at UNN. 3 Nobel laureates (A.A. Abrikosov, V.L. Ginzburg, J. Mourou) did research at the university. In the middle of the XX century the development of cutting-edge scientific school in physics and the setup of powerful research infrastructure at UNN led to the formation in Nizhny Novgorod a center for research and development in the field of physics (Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Science, Russian Federal Nuclear Center of Rosatom, Radioelectronic Industrial Cluster) and chemistry (Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances and Institute of Organometallic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Science, Dzerzhinsky Industrial Cluster).
Lobachevsky University includes 18 educational institutes & faculties with more than 26 000 students & PhD students from 105 countries of the world. The university offers more than 300 accredited vocational, undergraduate (Bachelor & Specialist) and postgraduate (Master, PhD and Residency) programmes, and a number of them is taught in English

Address: 23 Prospekt Gagarina (Gagarin Avenue) BLDG 2, 2nd floor
Tel.: +7 (831) 462-30-03,+7 (831) 462-30-90,+7 (831) 462-32-00,+7 (831) 462-37-71,+7 (831) 462-35-18,+7 (831) 462-30-85
Social networks: Vk
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
The research infrastructure of UNN includes:
  • 6 research institutes;
  • “Lobachevsky” supercomputer;
  • unique diagnostic complex “Multifunctional complex for near-Earth and space research (SURA facility)”;
  •  unique scientific facility “Technologies of deep processing of organic raw materials”;
  • world-class laboratories (including the Laboratory of Extreme Light Fields (Elsa Lab), the Electron microscopy laboratory, the Laboratory of X-ray phase analysis, the Laboratory of ceramics technology, Materials diagnostics laboratory, the Laboratory for metal physics, the Laboratory of additive technologies and engineering materials, the Laboratory “Chemistry of natural compounds and their synthetic analogues”, the Laboratory of Engineering Chemistry, the Laboratory “Biomedical technologies, medical instrumentation and acoustic diagnostics”);
  • research and education centre "Physics of solid-state nanostructures";
  • international-class research centre “Centre for Photonics”»;
  •  research and education mathematics centre “Mathematics for future technologies”;
  • advanced engineering school "Space communications, radar and navigation";
  • Botanical Garden;
  • centre for genetic collections of laboratory animals (SPF-vivarium);
  • Science Park; Career Centre;
  • Media-centre etc.
Academic and research staff
Academic and research staff of the university: total number of people, including degree holders, academics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, foreign scientific and pedagogical staff
The academic and research staff of the university consists 1945 pers., including:
  • Employees with academic degrees (Ph.D., candidates and doctors of science) - 1404 pers..
  • Academics of Russian Academy of Sciences - 2 pers.
  • Foreign scientific and pedagogical staff - 12 pers.
Staff professional development and upskilling in nuclear area  
The advanced training of academic staff is carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Advanced Studies and Professional Training of UNN, as well as in cooperation with industrial partners of UNN. Detailed information about the Faculty and available programs:
Available academic programs
Network academic programs with international partner universities
UNN implements a number of network programs with foreign universities:
  • Joint postgraduate training program in the field of radiophysics with the University of Palermo (Italy)
  • Network training program "Russian-Italian University" with the University of Calabria (Italy);
  • Joint Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Economics and Law with Turan University (Kazakhstan);
  • Bachelor's Degree program in International Economic Law with Tashkent State Law University (Uzbekistan);
  • Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Economics and management with the University of Grenoble-Alpes (France);
  • Master's degree program in Sports Psychology with the Vasil Levski National Academy (Bulgaria);
  • Joint Bachelor's degree program "General Biology" with MSU-PPI University in Shenzhen (China).
Programs with international and professional accreditation
International projects in nuclear technology
Joint educational projects of UNN in the field of NBICS technologies together with the University of Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur and Indian Institute of Technology Ropar. In particular, within the framework of projects supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (PFBR), it’s possible to create a narrow-band ultraviolet (UV) radiation photodetector based on indium oxide nanocrystals embedded in a thin aluminum oxide film. The developed device is promising for a number of practical applications, including narrow-band spectral-selective photodetectors, and the design of the device based on ion-synthesized nanocrystals provides a new approach to the implementation of photodetectors that are transparent in the visible region of the spectrum.Joint Bachelor's degree program "General Biology" with MSU-PPI University in Shenzhen (China).
Cooperation with nuclear  industry enterprises
UNN has an established practice of interaction with nuclear industry enterprises. The key partner of UNN is the state corporation Rosatom. The program of scientific and educational cooperation with Rosatom includes the creation of modern educational spaces (digital center), the development of joint educational programs, joint scientific research within the framework of the advanced engineering school created on the basis of UNN. It also includes the development of a preliminary system together with Greenatom and ASE companies (internship, paid internships, IT marathon, career advice from HR specialists, workshops, etc.).
Together with JSC OKBM Afrikantov" and with the support of the Russian Science Foundation (No. 16-13-00066) the project "High-strength corrosion-resistant titanium alloys for nuclear engineering and nuclear energy" is being implemented. The scientific goal of the project is to develop new principles of nano- and microdesign of the structure of radiation-resistant structural materials (primarily titanium alloys, as well as austenite steels), which are widely used in nuclear engineering and nuclear power engineering. The practical goal of the project is to develop technological processes for producing products from nano- and microstructured high-strength corrosion-resistant titanium alloys that can be successfully operated for a long time under extreme conditions of simultaneous exposure to increased loads, temperatures, vibrations, and radiation exposure. From a practical perspective, the developed design methods most notably base on modern technologies of severe plastic deformation, which make it possible to form a homogeneous nano- and microcrystalline structure in metal samples.
Together with the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Lobachevsky University’s scientists have developed a hybrid of a neural network and quantum computing. The development will allow simultaneously processing large arrays of photographs and videos, as well as receiving and transmitting ultra-weak signals in space and astronomical research.
The most successful integration of education and science in the field of nuclear technology is when it includes work in educational and research units. These are employees of scientific laboratories:
  • "Laboratory of photopolymerization and polymeric materials
  • "Laboratory of High-Purity Optical Materials"
  • "Laboratory of Special Purity Substances"
Based on the established practice of interaction between the research and educational processes of UNN, NRIPHT, the scientific and educational centers "Physics of Solid State Nanostructures" and "Nanotechnologies" are formed into a single educational and scientific center (ESC) "Physics".
Graduates’ Career prospects
Lobachevsky University is in the top 10 of the Russian graduate salary rating Superjob for all three main groups (“Technical universities”, “Economic universities”, “Law universities”). This is due to the high quality of education at UNN, the talent development system, close interaction with scientific organizations and enterprises in the real sector of the economy. In 2021, the UNN student team became the all-round champion at the prestigious ICPC annual multi-tiered competitive programming competition. UNN graduates are in demand in specialized areas of training both in nuclear industry enterprises and in related research organizations: VNIITF (Sarov); NIIS (Nizhny Novgorod), OKBM Afrikantov, OJSC "State Research Center - Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors", Federal State Funded Institution of Science (FPFIS) "Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences", National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" (Moscow), State Scientific Center of Russian Federation "Unstitte of Physics and Power Engineering" (Obninsk), FPFIS "Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, FPFIS "Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Russian Academy of Science", Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) "SDO Khlopin Radium Institute", Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) “Radon”, Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Department of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University’s Department of Geology etc.
Outstanding Alumni
  • Likhachev, Alexei Evgenievich - Russian statesman. General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (since 2016).
  • Sergeev, Alexander Mikhailovich - President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2017). Soviet and Russian physicist, specialist in the field of plasma physics, femtosecond optics, nonlinear dynamics of optical systems and highly sensitive optical measurements.
  • Vorobyov, Vadim Nikolaevich– Interim President of PJSC Lukoil.
  • Gaponov-Grekhov , Andrey Viktorovich - Soviet and Russian physicist, Acting member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1991 - Acting member of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Founder and first director of the Institute of Applied Physics in Nizhny Novgorod. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of two State Prizes of the USSR and the State Prize of the Russian Federation.
  • Kirillov,  Gennady Alekseevich - Soviet scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. First director of the Institute of Laser Physics Research of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR.
  • Litvak,  Alexander Grigoryevich - Soviet and Russian physicist, Acting member and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director and scientific director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR.
  • Nemtsov,  Boris Nikolaevich - the first governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, a Russian statesman.

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev (NNSTU)
Founded in 1917 on the basis of Warsaw Polytechnic Institute, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev got the status of the basic university by Order of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2017.

For more than a century NNSTU has been training students to be competent specialists, proficient engineers for the leading national and international enterprises. It provides education for students who come from all regions of Russia, from Africa, Asia and Europe. NNSTU trains Bachelors, Masters and Specialists in 74 degree programs of higher education. It also provides further professional training programs and postgraduates programs for PhD and ScD applicants.

The University is a dynamic educational institution where rich traditions and the latest innovations complete each other giving students all over the world opportunities to study Nuclear Power Engineering and Technologies, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Informatics and Computer Engineering, Chemical Technologies, Applied Geology, Petroleum Engineering, Mathematics and Mechanics, Economics and Management, Applied Geology, Equipment and Technologies of Shipbuilding and Water Transport, Industrial Ecology, Biotechnologies etc.
Address: 23 Prospekt Gagarina (Gagarin Avenue) BLDG 2, 2nd floor
Tel.: +7 (831) 462-30-03,+7 (831) 462-30-90,+7 (831) 462-32-00,+7 (831) 462-37-71,+7 (831) 462-35-18,+7 (831) 462-30-85
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm, You tube
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
  • laboratory of thermohydraulics of new-generation nuclear power plants;
  • laboratory "Reactor hydrodynamics";
  • laboratory “Steam generator systems”;
  • laboratory of thermophysical researches;
  • laboratory of neutron physics;
  • laboratory of activation measurements;
  • laboratory of control systems;
  • laboratory “Microwave electrodynamics and microwave photonics”;
  • laboratory “Gas dynamics and physics of explosion”;
  • laboratory of high-temperature liquid-metal coolants;
  • laboratory "Technology of electrical work";
  • laboratory "Electric drive";
  • laboratory "Converter equipment";
  • laboratory "Renewable sources of electricity";
  • laboratory “Microprocessor systems and programmable logic controllers”;
  • laboratory "Electrical devices";
  • laboratory "Physical bases of electronics";
  • laboratory “Systems of automatic control of electrotechnology installations”;
  • laboratory of “Simulation modeling, digital substation, relay protection and automation”;
  • digital substation with a capacity of 1 MW;
  • laboratory "Electric power industry and power supply";
  • laboratory “Metrology”;
  • laboratory “Electrical engineering materials science”;
  • laboratory “Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering science”;
  • laboratory “Electrical Machines”;
  • research laboratory “Controlled vibration protection of electromechanical complexes”;
  • research laboratory "Power electronics";
  • training simulator "Electrical power plant of a stand-alone object";
  • laboratory of macro- and microanalysis;
  • laboratory of mechanical testing;
  • laboratory of powder metallurgy;
  • laboratory of laser and high-energy technologies.
Unique equipment:
  1. thermophysical bench with parameters identical to full-scale NPP with coolant temperature up to 320 degrees Celsius and pressure up to 200 atm;
  2. circulation circuit with HLMC having a temperature of up to 550 degrees Celsius;
  3. test bench of research of mixing flows with a capacity of 1.5 MW.
Academic and research staff  
Total – 762 pers., among them 535 Candidate and Doctor of Sciences degree holders, 2 Acting Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, international  academic and research staff – 1 pers.
Staff Professional development and training in nuclear area
Available Academic Programs
Generally academic and research staff (at least once every three years) do advanced training in their professional field at universities of the Russian Federation, at different Russian enterprises, including State Atomic Energy Corporation ”Rosatom
Information for Students is available at
Programs with international and professional accreditation
1.     Professional and public accreditation of the master's educational program "Physical and technical problems of nuclear energy" under the master's training program 14.04.01 "Nuclear power engineering and Heat physics". 
The accrediting organizations are:
  • the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for professional qualifications;
  • Council for professional qualifications in the field of atomic energy.
2.     Professional and public accreditation of the master's educational program "Optimization of developing power supply systems" under the master's training program 13.04.02 "Electric power engineering and electrical engineering". 
The accrediting organizations are:
  • Union of Builders of Communications and Information Technologies "StroySvyazTelecom”;
  • National Association of telecommunications companies.
International projects in nuclear area
 Professional development program for employees of the Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC).
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
 NNSTU is a flagship university of Rosatom State Corporation and a member of the IAEA, general agreements on strategic partnership in the field of training engineering and scientific staff have been concluded with key Nizhny Novgorod enterprises of the nuclear industry: JSC “Atomenergoproekt”, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Federal Nuclear Center – “All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics" (Sarov), JSC “Afrikantov OKBM”.
One of the competitive advantages of NNSTU in the educational sphere is the developed system of basic departments at the leading enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Basic departments operate at 3 enterprises of the nuclear industry: JSC “Atomenergoproekt”, JSC “Afrikantov OKBM”, Branch of RFNC-VNIIEF – “NIIIS n.a. Yu.E. Sedakov”.
Students’ practical training is the most important condition for high-quality teaching Every year, more than 400 students undergo internships at the enterprises of the State Corporation Rosatom.
At the request of industrial partners, since 2017, NNSTU has been implementing the project "Project-oriented learning - a full life cycle", where students gain practical experience in design and experimental activities at modern high-tech industrial enterprises.
NNSTU attracts highly qualified employees of partner enterprises to the educational process, incl. to the management of the research work of students and the conduct of research and development work (R&D) on the orders of the organization, the creation of creative teams for the implementation of joint research projects. The number of external specialists annually involved in the educational process is more than 500 people.
Also, industry enterprises participate in the annual Monitoring of employers' satisfaction with the quality of training of NNSTU graduates. This monitoring allows the university to determine the requirements that the employer imposes on the professional training of graduates in various areas of training, assess the competitiveness of their graduates in the labor market, and determine measures to improve the professional competencies of graduates.
Graduates’ Career Prospects
 Nuclear, electric and Heat power industries, chemical and oil, mechanical engineering and metallurgy, electronic equipment, radio engineering and communications, IT technologies, aviation, shipbuilding, automotive industry.
Graduates of nuclear fields work at the enterprises of the State Corporation Rosatom (JSC “Afrikantov OKBM”, JSC “Atomenergoproekt”, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “RFNC-VNIIEF”, JSC “Greenatom”, Nuclear Power Plants), at Heat power plants, at the largest engineering enterprises of JSC “PKO Teploobmennik" and JSC "NZ 70th Anniversary of Victory", ship repair enterprises of JSC CS "Zvezdochka" (Arkhangelsk region), JSC "North-Eastern Repair Center" (Kamchatsky Territory), JSC "Russian concern for the production of electrical and Heat energy at nuclear power plants" (Concern "Rosenergoatom"), FSUE "Atomflot".
Outstanding Alumni
  • Valentin Kostyukov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Professor of Nizhny Novgorod State University, Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Science, Director of VNIIEF (since 2008). Hero of the Russian Federation;
  • Alexey Rakhmanov - General Director of USC JSC;
  • Vadim Sorokin - President and CEO of GAZ Group;
  • Nikolay Sorokin - Ph.D., Deputy General Director - General Inspector of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC;
  • Nikolay Pugin - President of GAZ OJSC, Minister of the Automobile Industry of the USSR (1986-1988), Minister of Automobile and Agricultural Engineering of the USSR (1988-1991). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR;
  • Dmitry Zverev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, General Director - General Designer of JSC Afrikantov OKBM;
  •  Alexander Uvakin - Director of the branch of JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom" "Kursk Nuclear Power Plant";
  • Sergey Almazov - the first director of the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation (until February 18, 1999), colonel general of the tax police;
  • Sergey Mitin - Doctor of Economics, Governor of the Novgorod Region (2007 - 2017), member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
  • Vladimir Kirienko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of NSTU (2003-2010), First Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (2001-2004);
  • Timofeev Valery Alexandrovich, Colonel-General, Professor, Deputy. director of the FSB of Russia (1990s).

Saint Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg University is the oldest university in Russia. It was founded by Decree of Emperor Peter the Great. Today, St. Petersburg University is the only university in Russia that has marked its 290th anniversary. For almost three centuries of its history, St. Petersburg University has been home to thousands of prominent scientists, public, government and political figures, writers, artists, and musicians. Among them are Dmitri Mendeleev, Alexander Popov, Ivan Turgenev, Pyotr Stolypin, Ivan Pavlov, Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak, Vasily Dokuchaev, Alexander Blok, Mikhail Vrubel, Mikhail Glinka, Nicholas Roerich, Lev Landau, Leonid Kantorovich, Vladimir Putin, and Dmitry Medvedev to name just a few.
Among SPbU graduates are six prime ministers of the country and two presidents of the Russian Federation. Nine Nobel Prize winners have studied and worked at the university. The special status of St. Petersburg University is determined by the Federal Law "On the Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University". St. Petersburg State University has the right to conduct dissertation defense according to its own rules and to award academic degrees of Candidates and Doctors of science recognized by the state.

Address: 7-9 Universitetskaya Embankment, St Petersburg, Russia, 199034
Tel.: +7 (812) 328-20-00,+7 (812) 328-95-39,+7 (812) 328-96-44,+7 (812) 328-94-31,+7 (812) 328-08-42,+7 (812) 328-57-73,+7 (812) 328-95-28,
+7 (812) 324-07-78,+7 (812) 328-77-32,+7 (812) 324-07-46
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm, You tube
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
The Laboratory of Ultrahigh Energy Physics has been established and operates at St. Petersburg University, which conducts research in order to prepare and implement the ALICE projects at the Large Hadron Collider and experiments under the NICA projects at JINR. The following unique equipment and installations are used in the scientific process: test benches for mechanical testing of ultralight panels for cooling the outer layers of the VTS, equipment for working with silicon detectors, cryogenic vacuum equipment, gas supply systems for the cooling system of ultralight panels, compressor equipment.
In the educational process, an experimental stand is used to work with detection systems for the MPD and SPD experimental facilities at the NICA collider at JINR for conducting scientific research work of students, a computer scientific and educational GRID class for distant work with CERN and JINR databases for student learning.
Academic and research staff
Staff professional development and upskilling in nuclear area
The advanced training programmes for St. Petersburg University research and teaching staff are implemented in compliance with the ‘Regulations on advanced training of the employees of St. Petersburg University’ approved by Order No 791/1 dated 2 February 2021. The Regulations provide various forms of professional training, professional upskilling programs, conferences, internships, etc.
To meet the provisions, employees were periodically sent to the Rosatom Technical Academy.
List of educational programs in nuclear and related areas of training: bachelor's, master's, specialist's
Information for students is available at
Network academic programs with international partner universities
Programs with international and professional accreditation
International projects in nuclear technologies?
There are no ongoing international projects in the field of nuclear technology.
Cooperation with nuclear industry
St. Petersburg University has carried out educational cooperation with the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) as part of the implementation of the project "International cooperation in the field of nuclear education".

A long-term contract was signed with St. Petersburg State University as the winner of the competition of subprojects of the leading universities of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) to create an educational product for the implementation of these goals. The contract included the creation of two additional educational programs that provide the training of teaching staff with the necessary qualifications and the preparation of foreign applicants for studying in the general educational programs including master's programme in the direction of preparation Physics (03.04.02) that was developed under an agreement with the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM).

The University has developed an additional educational program for teachers " Methods and Technologies for Training Undergraduate Students for Further Studies in the Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics" and an additional educational program for foreign citizens " Preparation for Admission to the Master's Programs of St. Petersburg State University in Nuclear Physics".
Graduates Career prospects
St. Petersburg University is the oldest university in Russia and a world-leading centre of science and education. In the long history of St. Petersburg University thousands of prominent figures in science, culture, and education have graduated from it. Graduates work in all spheres of the economy. Graduates from nuclear fields work in such sectors, as higher education, research activities, oil and energy industry, engineering, chemical industry, environmental protection, production ecology, renewable energy, and others.
Outstanding Alumni
Throughout the rich history of the University graduates have become Nobel Prize laureates; ruled the country; headed ministries and departments; have become Olympic champions, poets, and discoverers. Among them are:
1.     8 Nobel Prize winners:
  • Ivan Pavlov (Physiology and Medicine, 1904)
  • Nikolay Semenov (Chemistry, 1956 (with Sir Cyril Hinshelwood))
  • Lev Landau Physics, 1962
  • Alexander Prokhorov Physics, 1964 (with Charles Hard Townes and Nikolay Basov)
  • Wassily Leontief Economics, 1973
  • Leonid Kantorovich Economics, 1975 (with Tjalling Charles Koopmans)
  • Ilya Mechnikov Physiology and Medicine, 1908
  • Joseph Brodsky Literature, 1987

2.     World-renowned researchers:
  • Mikhail Lomonosov
  • Dmitri Mendeleev
  • Andrey Beketov
  • Vasily Dokuchaev
  • Alexander Popov
  • Kliment Timiryazev
  •  Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky
  • Vladimir Fock
  • Vasily Struve
  • Sergei Zhebelev
  • Nikolai Marr
  • Boris Piotrovsky
  • Mikhail Piotrovsky
  • Viktor Ambartsumian
  • Lyudmila Verbitskaya
  • Mikhail Kovalchuk
  • Vladimir Komarov
  • Nikolai Nikandrov
  • Grigori Perelman
  • Stanislav Smirnov
  • Dmitry Likhachev
  • Vladimir Vernadsky
  • Figures in arts
  • Sergei Diaghilev
  • Igor Stravinsky
  • Boris Strugatsky
  • Alexandre Benois
  • Alexander Blok
  • Olga Bergholz
  • Nicholas Roerich
  • Diana Arbenina
  • Boris Grebenshchikov
  • Mikhail Vrubel
  • Vasily Polenov
  • Ivan Bilibin
  • Igor Grabar
  • Ivan Turgenev
  •  Dmitry Merezhkovsky
  •  Fyodor Abramov

3.     Entrepreneurs and public figures:
  • Igor Sechin Konstantin
  • Ernst Boris Kovalchuk
  • Pavel Durov
  • Andrey Murov
  • Aleksei Feliksov
  • Dmitry Baikov

4.     International public figures:
  • Jean-Claude Gakosso

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University  (SPbSTU)
On February 19, 1899, Emperor Nickolay II signed the Decree on founding Polytechnic Institute in St. Petersburg.
In the establishment of the Institute, its founders followed the principles of Peter the Great and sent specialists to Europe to explore operation of European universities. In the result of these efforts, the idea of a Polytechnic Institute complex emerged and the institute was designed following the model of university cities of Oxford and Cambridge.
In the 120 years of its existence, Polytechnic Institute has several times changed its names and structure, but it remained the Polytechnic and now is called Polytechnic University. Since the very first years of its existence, the university had been training highly qualified specialists for the industry, and this remains the essential feature of training bachelor’s, specialists’, master’s degree holders and postgraduate students at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

In the years of the university’s existence, its teachers, students, and graduates made many outstanding and significant discoveries and inventions; new areas of studies and university structures have appeared, and major contributions to the science and industry of the country and the world made. Such outstanding Nobel Prize winners as N.N. Semenov (Chemistry, 1956), P.L. Kapitsa (Physics, 1978), and Zh.I. Alferov (Physics, 2000) had studied and worked at Polytechnic University.
Address: Russia, 195251, St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29
Tel.: +7 (812) 297 -16 -16
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm, You tube
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
Academic and research staff
Teaching staff - 1987 pers.
International teaching staff - 209 pers.
Other staff - 3508 pers.

Totall Teaching staff - 1987 pers.
  • Intrenational teaching staff - 209 pers.
  • DSc, full professors - 19.3%
  • PhD, associate professors - 54,3%  
  • Assistants professors, teachers, instructors - 14.3%
Staff Professional development and training in nuclear area
SPbPU Center of continuous education:
SPbPU employees have the opportunity to improve their skills in the following forms:
  • training under the programs of additional professional education at the Institute of Additional Education of SPbPU (at the expense of the federal budget);
  • training under additional professional education programs in third-party educational and scientific organizations that have the appropriate license.
SPbPU filial in Sosnovy Bor:
The Institute of Nuclear Energy was established in 1996 on the initiative of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University and the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, with the support of the Mayor of the city of Sosnovy Bor, the Governor of the Leningrad Region, nuclear industry enterprises and the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia. The purpose of establishing the institute is to train highly qualified specialists who have a deep understanding of the physical processes occurring in nuclear power plants by bringing the preparation closer to the main production.
Institute provide retraining programmes:
Available Academic Programs
Information for Students is available here
Network Academic Programs with international partner universities
For “Power Plant Engineering” program
  • MSc in Power Plant Engineering awarded by SPbPU, Russia
  • Diploma is awarded by SPbPU, Russia, and certificate from a partner university about mobility semester (foreign university) 
  • Double Degree option (temporary stoped): awarded by Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland and SPbPU, Russia
For “Electrical Engineering” program:
  • MSc in Electrical Engineering; awarded by SPbPU, Russia 
  • Diploma is awarded by SPbPU, Russia, and certificate from a partner university about mobility semester (foreign university) 
  • Double Degree option (temporary stoped): Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany — MSc in Electrical Power Engineering 
  • Double Degree option (temporary stoped): Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland — MSc in Electrical Engineering
For “Nuclear Power Engineering” program:
  • Diploma: awarded by SPbPU, Russia
  • Diploma is awarded by SPbPU, Russia, and certificate from a partner university about mobility semester (foreign university) 
Unique Triple Master Degree “Energy Technolody” (temporary stoped) designed in cooperation with Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland) and Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany).
Programs with international and professional accreditation
Master Degree program 13.04.01_03 Power Plant Engineering in the field of “Heat power Engineering and Heat Engineering” (13.04.01) is accredited for the period of 6 years (till June, 2023) by Evalag (Germany) and National Centre for Public Accreditation.
International projects in nuclear area
Master Degree program «Emergency preparedness and response» is based on a curriculum developed by the IAEA in collaboration with international experts and scientists. It complies with IAEA safety standards, which include specific information on how to ensure an appropriate level of preparedness and response to a nuclear or radiological emergency. The curriculum offers a set of core and elective courses to build comprehensive knowledge in this area. The core modules provide information on general, functional and infrastructural arrangements relevant for emergency preparedness and response in line with the IAEA’s safety standards, while suggested electives provide more detail on topics such as assessment and prognosis, medical radiation emergency management, development or emergency plans, communication and advanced EPR technologies.

Controlled thermonuclear fusion – to recreate the Sun’s energy on Earth. ITER – the world's largest tokamak, a magnetic fusion device that has been designed to prove the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy. Scientists of Polytech perform the plasma simulation; they developed the official simulation code SOLPS-ITER.
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
In the frame of educational programs, the Institute of Energy cooperates with energy industry enterprises located in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Students have the opportunity to take part in study tours to the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, to the plant Power Machines JSC, to the site of NPO CKTI, etc.
Students of the Energy Institute of SPbPU take an active part in specialized competitions, case championships, etc.
Graduates’ Career Prospects
Graduates of the Energy Institute work at Heat and nuclear power plants, in research organizations and design institutes. The main employers of our graduates are: State Corporation Rosatom, Leningrad NPP, PJSC Gazprom and subsidiaries, JSC Power Machines, PJSC Rosseti, PJSC Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System, PJSC TGC-1 ( leading producer of electric and Heat energy in the North-West region of Russia), etc.
Outstanding Alumni 
The first graduation of students of international programs took place in 2017. Graduates work in various nuclear power plant in their countries, in energy companies, pass on the knowledge gained at SPbPU to university students in their countries. Some graduates decided to continue their postgraduate studies at SPbPU, at the universities of Canada, Finland, Germany and others.
For example, a graduate of the master's program Hashim Al Zuwaini completed postgraduate studies at SPbPU, defended his Ph.D. thesis, and now works at one of the Iraqi universities.
If we talk about graduates of Russian-language programs, then the most outstanding graduates are:
1. Mikhail Oseevsky - President of PJSC Rosseti
2. Vadim  Vederchik – Managing Director of TGC-1 PJSC
3. Eduard Lissitzky - Deputy Managing Director for Development and Property Management
4. Yuri Skok - Deputy. Director of Leningrad NPP
5. Ivan Babich - Head of the Technological Control Service of the First Stage of Leningrad NPP

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)» (MGSU)  
Established in 1921 MGSU is one of the oldest technical institutions of higher education of the Russian Federation. By 1933 more than 5000 students studied at the University.

The University heads International Association of Educational Civil Engineering Institutions (AECEI), which includes more than 150 educational institutions in Russia and other countries.

The following famous scientists as Artur Loleit, Vladimir Obraztsov, Vladimir Zhurin and others worked at the University.

15 000 students
1300 faculty members
26 specialized research centers
200 educational programs
Address: 26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, Russia
Tel.: +7 (499) 183-83-65
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm, You tube
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
The University Research Institutes, Scientific Educational Centres, Research Laboratories, and Scientific-Technical Centres are involved in the scientific and technical activities for the most complex construction and infrastructure development projects in Russia and abroad.
The most notable laboratories of the University are as follows:
  •  Institute of Engineering and Construction of Nuclear Energy Facilities
  • Research Institute of Building Materials and Technologies (NiiSMit)
  • Scientific Research Institute for Building materials and Technologies
  • Scientific Research Institute for Expert Examination and Engineering
  • Institute for Comprehensive Safety of Construction
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Geotechnical Engineering
  • Scientific Research Center for Computer Modeling of Unique Buildings, Structures and Complexes
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Nanotechnologies
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Engineering Research and Monitoring of Engineering Structures
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Water Supply and Discharge
  • Research and Development Center for Explosion Survivability (“Vzryvbezopasnost’”)
  • Research and Development Center for Structural Safety and Aseismic Strength
  • Educational Research and Production Laboratory of Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Tests of Building Constructions
  • Scientific Research Laboratory for Inspection and Reconstruction of Buildings and Structures
  • Scientific Research Laboratory for Hydrotechnical Structures
  • Research and Development Laboratory for Modern Composite Constructional Materials
  • Scientific Research Laboratory for Engineering Research and Monitoring of Building Structures
  • Scientific Research Laboratory for the Study of Actual Work of Building Constructures of Buildings and Structures
  • Laboratory for Forensic Construction and Technical Expertise and Claim Settlement
  • Scientific Research Laboratory for Modern Composite Building Materials
  • Scientific and Research Laboratory of Hydraulic Structures
  • Scientific and Research Laboratory “Testing station”
  • Laboratory of Legal Expertise in Construction
  • Scientific and Research Laboratory “Reliability and Seismic Stability of Structures”
MGSU has its own LMS system called “Stroitelstvo+”.
Academic and research staff
Staff Professional development upskilling programs in nuclear area
Each department has the professional retraining of their teaching staff. In addition to the free professional development programs offered by the university itself, MGSU has agreements with the industry and education partners like “Innopolis” university to implement training programs to upskill the MGSU staff.
Among teaching staff of the department of Construction of Thermal and Atomic Power Stations, there are employees of Rosatom State Corporation enterprises.
Available Academic Programs
Information for students is available at
Network academic programs with international partner universities
The University has 24 joint educational programs with universities from China, Kyrgistan, Uzbekistan, and other countries. Program study areas vary from different civil engineering majors and architecture programs.
Programs with international and professional accreditation  N/A
International project in nuclear area
MGSU takes part in scientific and technical construction supervision of Akkuyu NPP construction site (Turkey). University was involved in the construction of the Shared Research Facility "Siberian Ring Source of Photons" ("SKIF").
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
MGSU is Rosatom partner university and a permanent supplier of staff for the construction complex of the nuclear industry for 10 years. The University continues endorsing new educational programs aimed at technological and digital development of the personnel potential of industrial enterprises.
Research Institute of Building Materials and Technologies (NiiSMit) operates in two realms:
1) doing joint research in the field of durability and aging management of building materials of radioactive waste storage facilities and
2) researching passive nuclear safety systems together with “Rosatom” enterprises.
Institute of Engineering, Management and Construction of Nuclear Facilities was established in the University in 2020. Scientific and Technical Council of the Institute includes members of Rosatom enterprises  as well as the Far Eastern Federal University, Perm National Research Polytechnic University and the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences.

Each year MGSU students have an opportunity to do practical internships at nuclear industry facilities and enterprises. During the training, students undergo practical training at the construction sites of nuclear and thermal power plants in Russia (Kursk NPP, Novovoronezh NPP, Sakhalin GRES, etc.) and abroad (China, India, Bangladesh). They participate in solving management and design problems in engineering and design partner companies.
Graduates’ Career Opportunities
The graduates successfully work in the largest organizations of the industry, such as Atomenergoproekt, Teploelectroproekt, Orgenergostroy, etc. Graduates are valued as specialists who have a comprehensive understanding of construction projects, deep professional knowledge and skills, and a creative approach to solving problems.
Outstanding Alumni
MGSU is proud of its graduates and watches further progress, career take-off and achievements of all the alumni with a great interest. Some of the most significant MGSU international alumni are:
  • Nurlan Aldabergenov (PhD in Economics, 1987). In 2007 – 2012 Nurlan Aldabergenov was the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation of Natural Monopolies, the Head of the Prime Minister's Office from 2017 to 2019. Now he is the minister of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
  • Bassam Bashir Ibrahim (PhD in Technical Sciences, 1991). The present Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Government of Syria has held a number of administrative positions such as Deputy Dean, Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty (1999-2005) and Rector of al-Baath University.
  • Chol Tong Mayay Jang (MSc in Construction, 1994). Since 1994 he has held various positions (General Secretary of the Construction Commitee in Rumbek, Chairman of the Association of South Suidanese Students in the Soviet Union, Chairman of the Association of African Students of the MGSU, etc.). At present serves as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Sudan to Russia.
  • Dr. Knut Hartenstein (PhD in Technical Sciences, 1980) The professor studied at the Faculty of Automated Control Sytems (1970 – 1975). At present he works at the University of Applied Technical and Economic Sciences of Berlin (HTW Berlin).

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology
Address: 125047, Moscow, Miusskaya square, 9
Tel.: +7 (499) 978-86-60
Social networks:

National University of Science and Technology MISiS
University of Science and Technology MISIS is the leading educational center in Russia in the field of creation, implementation and application of new technologies and materials. In research and development, MISIS University focuses on such priority areas as materials science, metallurgy, mining, quantum technologies, biomaterials and bioengineering, alternative energy, additive and information technologies. The university has more than 40 world-class research laboratories and engineering centers employing leading Russian and world-renowned international scientists.
MISIS University is presented by 8 institutes and 6 branches – four in Russia and two abroad. More than 22,000 students study at MISIS University, and 25% of them are international students from 86 countries of the world.

MISIS University enters the top 500 best universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings and occupies leading positions in 22 subject and industry international rankings, being in the top 30 in «Engineering – Mineral & Mining» (QS) and in the top 75 in «Metallurgical Engineering» (ARWU). MISIS University enters the 101+ group in the subject rankings in Materials Science (QS), being a leader among the Russian universities in this field.
Address: Leninskiy Prospekt 4, NUST MISIS, Moscow, RU, Moscow Russia
Tel.: +7 499 649-44-80+7 495 955-00-32
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm, You tube
Laboratories \ equipment supporting education
Own Data Processing Center (DPC) with a capacity of 77Tflops (including a supercomputer for scientific computing).
  • Server capacities deployed in the Yandex cloud structure
  • LMS Canvas
  • Multimedia auditoriums for conducting classes and conferences (seminars) in the amount of 236.
  • A system for holding videoconferences with up to 1,500 participants.
Academic and research staff
Academic and research staff : 1915 pers. in total, 1082 pers. of them is full time staff, 13 Acting members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 50 international researchers.
Staff Professional Development and Upskilling programs in nuclear area
Professional development of the University's scientific staff is implemented in the form of internships at partner enterprises, including nuclear industry enterprises, training centers, industry research institutes (centers) and leading educational organizations, advanced training courses at other universities, as well as by participating in scientific and methodological seminars, making a report at Russian and international conferences, summer schools, group trainings, master classes, conducting joint research or project activities

Every research and academic employee of the university goes through professional development every five years, both mandatory (for example, teaching methods, first aid principles, etc.) and aimed at developing competencies.
Available Academic programs
Information for Students is available at
Network Academic programs with international partner universities N/A
Programs with international and professional accreditation N/A
International projects in nuclear technologies? N/A
Cooperation with the nuclear industry
NUST MISIS performs R&D on the orders of a number of enterprises that are part of the Rosatom State Corporation enterprises. In 2021, joint projects were carried out with the following enterprises:
  • State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom» - 2 projects;
  • Rusatom – Additive Technologies Limited Liability Company - 1 project;
  • Joint Stock Company «Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology» - 2 projects;
  • State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Joint Stock Company Scientific and Production Association «Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology» - 2 projects;
  • Joint-Stock Company «High-Tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Acting member A.A. Bochvar» - 1 project;
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics named after Acting member E.I. Zababakhin» - 2 projects;
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise «N.L.Dukhov All-Russian Research Institute of Automation» - 1 project;
  • Joint Stock Company «Chepetsky Mechanical Plant» - 2 projects;
  • Joint Stock Company «Leading Design and Survey and Research Institute of Industrial Technology»- 1 project.
Graduates Career prospects
The University graduates are most in demand in computer science, materials science, metal science, new technologies, mining, biotechnology, software engineering, data analysis, design, power engineering and economics, etc. and work in more than 1800 major Russian and 250 international companies, such as: OMK, Kazakhmys, Sibur, Danieli, Metalloinvest, RUSAL, NLMK, OEMK, VK, Huawei, TagMet, CROC, Evraz, in consulting, including nuclear industry companies and holding company Rosatom annually employs over 120 graduates in enterprises related to the development of the nuclear industry.Outstanding graduates, including foreign students.
Outstanding Alumni

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev
Address: 10, K.Marx St., Kazan,Tatarstan 420111, Russia
Tel.: +7 (843) 231-01-09
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm

St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University)
Address: 26, Moskovski ave., St. Petersburg, Russia, 190013
Tel.: +7 812 316-13-12+7 812 494-92-58
Social networks:

Sevastopol State University
Address: 299053, г. Севастополь, ул. Университетская, 33
Tel.: +7 (8692) 43-50-19
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm, You tube

Yuri Gagarin State Technical University Of Saratov
Address: 77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054
Telefon.Head of the International Relations Department: +7 (8452) 99-89-69
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm, You tube

Kazan State Energy University
Address: 420066, Kazan, st. Krasnoselskaya, 51, KSPEU
Tel.: +7 843 519-43-52, +7 843 527-92-47, +7 843 519-42-42
Social networks: Vk, Telegramm, You tube
2023 © Office of the Vice-Rector
for international relations

For all questions related
to the event, you are welcome
contact the organizing committee at:
Miklukho-Maclaya street, 10/2, office 111,
tel .: +7 (495) 434-70-16;
117198, Moscow,
st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 10, bldg. 2
Tel./fax: +7 (495) 434-70-16
Contact person: Dr. Masamba Kah
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